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Doctors & Medical Staff

Doctors in the EUROCLINIC GROUP of Hospitals, play a vigorous role in providing top-level health care services, focusing on each patient’s special medical needs.

The Medical Staff consists of approximately 200 permanent physicians and more than 1000 associate physicians, covering all specialties and offering their services to our patients according to the latest medical scientific developments. All of our medical staff is covered by medical malpractice liability Insurance.
Most of the EUROCLINIC GROUP of Hospitals’ physicians maintain a strong scientific presence in the domestic and global medical community and the majority of them are affiliated with international academic institutions in the US and in Europe.

The Euroclinic Group emphasizes on the training of its Doctors, aiming to consolidate the organization’s culture and the lifetime development of its employees by consistently serving its strategic objectives.
Furthermore, all of the EUROCLINIC Group clinical trials, scientific documents, conference presentations and clinical advancements are published each year and are available to everyone who wants to have an idea of the high scientific level of the hospitals’ physicians and the rest scientific personnel.

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Medical staff

“The power of the Euroclinic is its people!”

This phrase encompasses the important role that people play in our success and demonstrates our dedication to offering high quality health care services.

The successful course of the Euroclinic Group is due to its human resources. Our medical, administrative and nursing staff is noted by its professionalism, team spirit, ethics and a high sense of responsibility towards the patients and their relatives.

Continuous education is also a high priority in the Nursing Division of the Euroclinic Group of Hospitals. The Nursing Education Office provides continuous theoretical classes combined with bedside training in order to ensure compliance as well as active participation in quality improvement projects. The rest Scientific Staff also follows the high standards of skilled personnel with endless training, professional development and participation in internal and external quality control projects.

Since its establishment, the Euroclinic Group is committed to developing its human resources through selection, training, and evaluation, recognizing that it is one of the company’s most important assets.

For this reason we place great importance to programs such as:

  • Integration and training of newly recruited employees.
  • Inter-clinic nursing service courses.
  • Continuous professional training for employees.
  • Ongoing training in customer services.
  • Job rotation, aiming at employee development.
  • Annual performance evaluation procedures.

Doctors & Medical Staff | Euroclinic