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Euroclinic: The first digital hospital which replaces paper with tablets

Euroclinic Group:

The first digital hospital which replaces paper with tablets

The Euroclinic Group is taking another important step as part of its digital transformation, replacing all paper documents with tablets in all reception areas.

The documents at patient service areas are now viewed and signed using special tablets, which automatically save and file the documents, in tune with personal data protection protocols. Euroclinic has become the first Greek hospital to ban paper and takes the next step into the digital era, significantly improving its activities as well as the services offered to patients and visitors.

The exclusive use of digital media has multiple benefits, since patient services are faster due to elimination of printing and file management. It also offers a high level of personal data protection, while limiting the spread of infections by minimizing contact between staff and patients.

At the same time, a significant reduction in its environmental footprint is achieved by banning a large number of printed material and a large expense is saved, which can be allocated to other operations, for improved and quality services to patients. In addition, through the 360ο communication system, the duplication of documents is made possible remotely, quickly and accurately.

Mr. Antonis Vouklaris, CEO of the Euroclinic Group, noted, “Replacing printed documents with tablets is yet another milestone in the Euroclinic’s digital transformation plan, in which we have been consistently investing in the last years, and includes applications such as digital signature, Data Management System, electronic lab results, etc., with the goal to build a modern Hospital, marked by quality throughout its operations.”