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Committed to caring for and improving the quality of human life, the Euroclinic Group aims to offer individualized care based on the highest international clinical standards and specialized centers staffed by highly qualified medical personnel.

Euroclinic Group consists of Athens Euroclinic General Hospital , Euroclinic Children’s Hospital, Euroclinic Polyclinic D.Y.O. All our facilities are very conveniently located in the center of Athens,with good transport links, allowing easy access to the Hospitals and prompt emergency response time.

The Athens Euroclinic

  • Leading diagnostic, surgical and therapeutic center
  • Top scientific staff of all medical specialties
  • Cooperation with 300 associate physicians and 1,000 referring physicians
  • Highly qualified and experienced nursing personnel
  • Cutting-edge medical equipment and modern infrastructure
  • Certified in accordance with the ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 9001:2000 standards
  • 159 patient beds
  • 8 operating theaters
  • 12 beds in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
  • 4 beds in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
  • One Day Clinic (ODC)
  • Centers of Excellence
  • Conveniently located in the center of Athens, with good transport links
  • 24-hour emergency & ambulance services

The Euroclinic Children’s Hospital

  • Leading diagnostic, surgical and therapeutic center
  • Highly experienced scientific staff for all pediatric specialties & subspecialties
  • Highly experienced nursing personnel, specially trained in caring for children
  • Modern infrastructure and certified in-house labs
  • Cutting-edge medical equipment
  • Certified in accordance with the ΕLΟΤ ΕΝ ISO 9001:2000 standards
  • Fully equipped Outpatient Clinic
  • 78 patient beds
  • 3 operating theaters
  • One Day Clinic (ODC)
  • Increased Care Unit
  • Centers of Excellence
  • Free overnight stay for parent or guardian
  • Conveniently located in the center of Athens, with good transport links
  • 24-hour emergency & ambulance services

Medical Staff

  • The medical staff consists of approximately 200 permanent physicians and more than 1000 associate physicians, covering all specialties and offering their services to our patients according to the latest scientific developments in Medicine.
  • All of our medical staff hold professional liability insurance policies.
  • Most of the Euroclinic Group physicians are active in the domestic and global medical community and the majority of them are affiliated with international academic institutions in the USA and in Europe.
  • All the clinical trials, scientific papers, presentations and medical advancements associated with the Euroclinic Group are published annually and are available to anyone wishing to confirm the high scientific level of the hospitals’ physicians and scientific personnel.

High Specialties Units

  • Certified Stroke Unit
  • Cardiac Surgery Center for Total Arterial Myocardial Revascularization (Certified Center of Excellence)
  • Certified Center for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)
  • Interventional Cardiology Unit
  • Center for Congenital Heart Diseases
  • Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery (Certified Center of Excellence)
  • Department of Robotic Surgery (Da Vinci Xi)
  • Breast Center
  • Oncological Unit
  • Urology Unit

The Euroclinic Group as an International Healthcare Provider

  • Optimal patient management: Our dedicated IPS Department provides assistance to patients and their insurance companies 24/7.
  • Centrally located in Athens: It is easily accessible, ensuring prompt response in case of emergencies. Good transport links facilitate the patient’s escorts and allow convenient access to all of the local sights and attractions.
  • Quality Healthcare: Our patient-centered philosophy, specialized units and highly trained professionals guarantee optimal healthcare, within the comfort of pleasant surroundings for patients and their escorts.
  • A partner of choice: VIP services and reasonable prices are the reasons why the Euroclinic Group has laid strong foundations for new partnerships, while it is affiliated with almost all the established insurance companies worldwide
  • Increased patient satisfaction: More than 90% of our inpatients reported highly satisfied by the services provided, having been treated with discretion, kindness and a deep sense of compassion.
  • VIP services for all: From the moment they are admitted and up to their discharge, all patients are assigned with a unique case manager, who takes care of all hospitalization procedures.

Our International Patient Department (IPS)

Offers 24/7 VIP high quality patient centered healthcare services to:

  • International patients who choose Euroclinic Group hospitals for their best medical treatment
  • Travelers visiting Greece, in need of any emergency and non-emergency medical assistance
  • Expatriates
  • Cruise & Maritime industry patients

Our International Patient Department (IPS) makes a difference by:

  • Offering 24/7 VIP high quality patient centered healthcare services
  • Offering a wide range of services and assistance to patients, so that any visit to our hospitals will be as smooth and pleasant as possible. Furthermore, the hospital embraces cultural diversity and can cater for almost any hospitality and intercultural requirement, such as special dietary needs or religious practices. We stand out for our efforts to fulfill the needs of each individual patient.
  • Responding promptly to all international patient requests
  • Scheduling appointments with physicians prior to the arrival
  • Medical Visits in Hotels (Athens only)
  • Coordinating all procedures before, during and after the hospitalization
  • Organizing transportation to and from the hospitals
  • Offering interpretation services in English
  • Assisting with financial facilitations
  • Acting as a liaison between the patient, and insurance companies, embassies and other businesses for hospital-related matters
  • Arranging to have your medical file translated into patient’s native language
  • Standing by the patient every step of the way

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